Action of the components
Hawthorn fruits have a cardiotonic effect, lower blood pressure and excitability of the central nervous system, increase blood circulation. The fruit extracts-based kissel has a sorption effect, reduces blood cholesterol and circulating immune complexes, and exhibits an antioxidant effect.
Blackthorn rowan fruits are multivitamin remedy, have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, normalize blood pressure, have an antisclerotic effect, help reduce cholesterol and lipids in the blood, and improve thyroid function.
Peppermint leaves have a general strengthening, sedative, analgesic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, vasodilator, sedative, astringent, styptic, choleretic, antiseptic effect, contribute to normalizing the work of the gastrointestinal tract and liver.
Motherwort herb has sedative, anticonvulsant, antispasmodic, regulates the functional state of the central nervous system, lowers blood pressure, has a beneficial effect on carbohydrate and fat metabolism, lowers blood cholesterol and total lipids in the blood and normalizes indicators of protein metabolism.
Black currant fruits have a general strengthening, multivitamin, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, vasoconstrictor, anti-atherosclerotic effect, normalize blood pressure and functions of the stomach, intestines and liver.
Root crops of beet have stimulating, choleretic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, anti-sclerotic effects, improve the gastrointestinal tract and normalizes metabolism.
Cranberry has vitamin, general strengthening, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antipyretic, thirst-quenching effects, improves the functional activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Pectin substances of cranberry form insoluble compounds (chelates) with heavy and radioactive metals (lead, strontium, cobalt, etc.), contributing to their detoxification and excretion from the body.
Bilberry has desensitizing, antioxidant, immunotropic effects, normalizes metabolism, increases visual acuity, reduces eye fatigue due to prolonged work in artificial light and at the computer, accelerates the renewal of the retina of the eye